Tuesday, March 25, 02:00 PM
RSVP HERE Be among the first to know who the 2025 Author Luncheon guest will be! Join us for light refreshments, information about the author, details about the luncheon & menu, raffle prizes and some fun activities! RSVP: 860.584.7787 x 3 or...
Tuesday, March 25, 06:30 PM
Interested in Community Journalism? Learn to Write for The Bristol Edition! Bring a story idea and your notes! Be guided through the process of writing your story, taking different approaches–straight news, feature, etc. Stories will be considered for publication in...
Wednesday, March 26, 06:30 PM
RSVP HERE What is D&D? Learn the mechanics of the game (dice, roleplay comfort, encounters/combat tutorial), how to build a character, the difference between game modules and “home brew” adventures and more! Find out how to join our gaming group and...
Tuesday, April 01, 06:30 PM
Interested in Community Journalism? Learn to Write for The Bristol Edition! Bring a story idea and your notes! Be guided through the process of writing your story, taking different approaches–straight news, feature, etc. Stories will be considered for publication in...
Wednesday, April 02, 11:00 AM
RSVP HERE Did you know that a recent study from Stanford University suggests that the techniques used by memory athletes can be taught, learned, and create changes in the brain that enhance memory skill? Come learn about the tips and techniques...