Saturday, March 29, 10:00 AM
Collage Craft Day
Create a beautiful collage in the Children's Department from 10am-3pm on Saturday, March 29.
Location:Bristol Public Library
Create a beautiful collage in the Children's Department from 10am-3pm on Saturday, March 29.
Have crafty fun with all your favorite characters! Every other Thursday at 6:00pm from February 6 to April 3.
It’s Craft Saturday at the library! Drop in all day to make some fun crafts.
Spring Gala with a big white bunny! Come in for free family photos and crafts.
Come to the Children's Department any time today to get creative and sample our selection of fun & free crafts!
Craft a simple bird house out of paper or popsicle sticks!
Make your own small squishy to take home!
Join us Saturday afternoons at 2:00pm on February 15, March 15, April 26, May 10, and June 7 for Pokémon fun!