Tuesday, April 08, 10:00 AM
Music with Mr. T
Mr. T shares stories and songs for little ones in this musical program.
Mr. T shares stories and songs for little ones in this musical program.
Write stories, illustrate tales, and make lifelong library friends at the Library every Tuesday in the Write & Illustrate Club!
Kids can change the world! Ruby Raccoon and Benny Bunny are little superheroes in training. In order to win their superpowers, they'll have to prove that they're super fearless, super helpful, and want to save the world. The show includes information about ways kids can help protect our environment, such as planting a tree and recycling.
A fun story time for toddlers with song and stories in both English and Spanish!
Homeschoolers ages 5-8, come hang out at the library for some great music enrichment! Learn the basics of rhythm, pitch, and note reading with other homeschool families in this fun-filled program.
Spring Gala with a big white bunny! Come in for free family photos and crafts.
Come dance, sing, and have fun with Mike while he sings and plays your favorites!
Meet Author JULIA SARCONE-ROACH virtually in the Children's Department at the Bristol Public Library. Hear the story The Bear Ate Your Sandwich and learn how to draw a BEAR! The event is sponsored by UBI FEDERAL CREDIT UNION
Craft a simple bird house out of paper or popsicle sticks!
Molly the fire station dog visits the library!