Bristol Public Library

Family Event
Talking Hands Theatre presents "Little Superheroes"--a puppet show! - Thumbnail

Wednesday, April 09, 10:00 AM

Talking Hands Theatre presents "Little Superheroes"--a puppet show!

Kids can change the world! Ruby Raccoon and Benny Bunny are little superheroes in training. In order to win their superpowers, they'll have to prove that they're super fearless, super helpful, and want to save the world. The show includes information about ways kids can help protect our environment, such as planting a tree and recycling.

Level-Up @ Your Library--SUMMER READING 2025! - Thumbnail

Monday, June 23, 08:30 AM

Level-Up @ Your Library--SUMMER READING 2025!

Spend EIGHT awesome weeks at the Library this summer! The summer reading 2025 theme is "Level-Up @ Your Library"! The fun begins on MONDAY, JUNE 23, 2025 and continues through FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 2025!

DOE BOYLE, Author visits the Library! - Thumbnail

Monday, June 23, 10:00 AM

DOE BOYLE, Author visits the Library!

Water. It is crucial for life on Earth, and it is everywhere. It is also the only substance on Earth that naturally has three forms: it can be a liquid, a solid, or a gas. Why is water so important for life? Hear a story about WATER and have fun experimenting with WATER!

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