Bristol Public Library

Manross Library Receives Technology Grant from Bristol Advocates for Seniors!

Bristol Advocates for seniors has awarded a grant of $500.00 to be increase technology education programs for senior citizens at Manross Memorial Library in Forestville. Manross Library is the Forestville branch of the Bristol Public Library. The technology grant will fund the purchase of Chrome Book laptops. The Chrome Books will be used as part of a series of technology education programs for seniors at the Manross Library. In addition, the Chrome Books will provide an opportunity for seniors to make appointments with an experienced instructor for individualized learning.  As Manross Branch Supervisor Beth Martin explains: “This grant allows us to work with them as a group or one-on-one.” The laptops, being mobile, can be taken to the Manross Room on the lower level to allow for a more private learning environment for seniors. The lower level at Manross Library is wheelchair accessible and there is an elevator from the main floor. Martin, who will be the primary instructor, says that the library staff feels “fortunate to receive this grant, because we are regularly approached at Manross by our senior patrons who need assistance with technology.” The new Chrome Books are a step toward responding to this need in the community.

The Manross Library plans to hold its initial series of grant-funded technology programs for seniors this spring with programs in March, April, and May. The senior-oriented programs will be held on afternoons, rather than evenings, and will often be coordinated with the evening offerings held at the Computer Lab at Bristol Public Library.

For more information on these programs please contact the Manross Library at 860.584.7790. The Manross Memorial Library is located at 260 Central Street in Forestville.

Thank you to the Bristol Advocates for Seniors for making this new opportunity possible at Manross Library!




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