Seed Library Ribbon Cutting & Square Foot Gardening Workshop


Bristol Public Library and the Public Works Department have partnered to launch Bristol’s first Seed Library. The mission for Bristol’s Seed Library is to provide residents with seeds so they can create their own gardens. The Seed Library, which was funded by a grant from Covanta, will include many varieties of seeds for residents to choose from – vegetables, herbs, and many varieties of flowers.

Bristol residents are invited to attend a ribbon cutting ceremony to be held on February 23, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Bristol Public Library. Seeds will be available for residents who have a valid library card with a limit of 5 seed packs per library card.

“Seed libraries provide a mechanism for community service that is closely aligned with many of the traditional core values of public librarianship, including facilitating access, equity, lifelong learning, and community engagement. We are excited to be offering this wonderful opportunity for our patrons!” – Deborah Prozzo, Director, Bristol Public Library

After the ribbon cutting ceremony attendees are invited to join us downstairs in Meeting Room One to enjoy light refreshments courtesy of the Friends of the Library and to hear Dan Williams, our guest speaker, talk about how to create a square foot garden. The presentation will begin around 6:30 pm. A drawing for raffle prizes will also be done after the presentation. Whether you live in an apartment, house or condo, Dan will teach you how to build your square foot garden in eight easy steps.

“This is an amazing opportunity for our community to start a garden, but have not had the means or knowledge to so. With the variety of seeds offered and the Square Foot Gardening Workshop, I think the residents will be off to a great start in creating their very own garden.”

Seed logoLindsey Rivers, Public Works Analyst

All Bristol residents are welcome to attend this free event, no registration is required. If you need a library card, please stop by the library prior to the event.

For more information, please contact the Department of Public Works at 860-584-6125.