Bristol Public Library

September is Library Card Signup Month!

September is Library Card Signup month! Library cards are free and unlock a wold of free services for our patrons. If you are a Bristol resident you can get a free library card at Bristol Public Library, or Manross Memorial Library in Forestville, that is good in every public library in Connecticut! You can borrow and return items at any CT library and use  all of the online services at Bristol Public Library and Manross Memorial Library! Residents getting new library cards are eligible to win raffle prizes at both libraries too! One adult and one child will be win at each library! No charge to enter.2022 Library Card Month

Circulation Manager Beth Martin and Young Adult Librarian Jose Alvarez in the Studio at AMP Radio with AMP Radio’s Eric Liegeot. Eric helped Beth and Jose produce an AMP Radio spot promoting Library Card Signup Month.

AMP Studio

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